Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Our new baby!

Today on my lunch hour, I went and picked out our new puppy. He will be ready to come with us in 4 weeks. When I showed Lizzie the pictures, she wanted to know why I didn't bring him home now. I explained that he still needs his mommy. And to that she said,"why didn't you bring home the mommy puppy too."


michelle said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! so cute and adorable until he chews up that beloved remote control. hee hee! i am getting more anxious! our dog is due with her litter around the 7th! good luck with the names

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind how sweet he looks now when you come home and find that he's chewed up something that he shouldn't have! Been there...done that...and am minus several things I used to have. Puppies are mostly just adorable!