Now I dedicate this post to my U2 iPod.
This was a Christmas present (ok-present from myself) two years ago. My first download was the U2 digital collection of all their music plus a ton of live songs=450U2 songs! Now that's a lot of Bono, but I do love my U2!
I listen to my iPod everyday, usually in the car and lately on the treadmill. I have most of my CD collection on this little beauty! Isn't technology great? 2000 songs at my fingertips-anywhere, anytime.
Of course Apple has come out with bigger and better-the video iPod-even comes in U2 special edition (Pictured above). Would you expect anything less from Bono and Apple? I'm tempted, but I think I'll keep podding with my old friend.
Now my iPod and I will have more time together as I commute to Chelsea. After long debate (with my head and heart), I have decided to take a job with a female dermatologist in Chelsea. I will begin working with her in March. I finally broke the news to my current doc who I have worked with for the past 4 years. I will be working same hours, more $. My new doc is very cool, a working mom, family oriented and all around nice person!
You know my jealousy runs deep. I'm still toying around with my iPod shuffle. I'm holding out for the new Apple phone. I'm hoping that when their Cingular contract runs out (3 years) they will open it up to Sprint, and be cheaper, and better!!!
Congratulations on the new job! I'm sure that was a tough decision!
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