Monday, May 22, 2006


Well, I love reading everyone's blog, but I often wonder why doesn't everyone post all the time! And now I know, there's just not enough hours in the day!!
Recently I repainted my master bedroom and I remembered how much I dislike painting. And to think there are people who do this for a living!! And that lead me to think about the things I have done for employment..... 1st there was Big Boy-the salad bar and brown polyester!! Good stuff!! Thru high school I had other fast food jobs and eventually ended up at Meijer my first year of college. The job-not so great but that is where I met the love of my life!! Then came my x-ray career highlights included barium enemas, squishing boobs (mammograms!!) and plenty of blood and other bodily fluids. When I was doing mammograms all the time, women would say to me all the time "how can you do this all day?" Which after several years of that I asked myself the same thing and went back to school so now I pop pimples, freeze warts (make small children and some adults cry!!), cut skin tags out of EVERYWHERE and I do mean EVERYWHERE!! But I also make the itching stop and remove skin cancers. And I do love my job!!!
I think we all have a calling and god bless each and everyone who answers that call!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a resume! You sound like me! When I asked Big Mac where he worked when we first met and he told me "McDonald's" I thought - Oh wow, Mr. Ambition!
:-) What I would have missed out on - oh my! Now I work for McDonald's! Meet Mrs. Ambition! Great read, Adele! Keep posting!

michelle said...

i know what you mean. today i stained the deck. peeled and pitted peaches to make a homemade peach cobbler for kota's georgia theme at school and then took it to his school and helped out with the food fair. and then i went and cleaned out the garge. that is just today yet here i am typing away on your blog:) must be because you are special

ok i will post my resume
chocolate vault-yummy
kmart-cafteria- yuck
pediatric dental assistant-loved it

oh and adele would you remove my skin tag that i found ..........hahahahahhaahaha!

Liz's mom said...

Remember in high school when you were asked what you wanted to be when you grow up? I wanted to be a photojournalist! Boy, I am a long way from that! Does anyone ever say, I want to be a mom when I grow up? That is truely the best job I've ever had!!

michelle said...

i had no idea in high school what i wanted to be and i still dont!

Dizzy Blonde said...

I always wanted to be a Mom! But I tell you what! It wears me out sometimes and I daydream of quiet days when I could sleep in and nap! But the hugs and kisses and smiles make it all worth while!!